PM Laptop Scheme
PM Laptop Scheme: For Youth Registration New Updates 2024. If you are a student and you are looking to access a particular organization, then you have already come to the right place This article explains all the details about applying to the PM Youth Laptop Scheme and also explains the procedure. How you can apply it You can apply easily with the help of this article Here you are given the complete procedure, you need to read it carefully and follow the given procedure.
وزیراعظم نے لیپ ٹاپ اسکیم کو بحال کرنے کا فیصلہ کرتے ہوئے باضابطہ طور پر اعلان کیا ہے کہ اب طلباء کو دوبارہ لیپ ٹاپ دیے جائیں گے اور آپ اس کے لیے آن لائن درخواست بھی دے سکتے ہیں۔ شہباز شریف نے طلبہ کے لیے بہت سے اقدامات کیے ہیں۔ طلباء اس پروگرام سے ماہانہ وظیفہ حاصل کر سکتے ہیں۔ خاندان کی کفالت کے لیے پیسے مل سکتے ہیں۔ جن میں سے ایک لیپ ٹاپ سکیم کے طور پر چلائی جا رہی ہے تاکہ طلباء کی تعلیم میں مدد کی جا سکے۔اس سکیم کو بحال کرنے کا مقصد نوجوان ملک پاکستان کا نام روشن کرنا ہے جو ملک کی ترقی کا ایک بڑا ذریعہ ہے۔ یاد رکھیں کہ یہ لیپ ٹاپ اسکیمیں صرف ان طلباء کو دی جاتی ہیں جو اہلیت کے معیار پر پورا اترتے ہیں۔
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Prime Minister Laptop Scheme 2024
The Prime Minister has decided to revive the laptop scheme and formally announced it now laptops will be given to the students again and you can also apply for it online. Shahbaz Sharif has taken many steps for the students. Students can get a monthly stipend from this program. Can get money to support the family.
One of which is being run as a laptop scheme to help students in education The aim of reviving this scheme is to promote the name of the young country of Pakistan, which is a major source of development for the country. Remember that these laptop schemes are given only to those students who meet the eligibility criteria.
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How to Online For Youth Laptop Scheme?
- It is being implemented under the Education Commission PMNF
- So far more than five lakh students have been given laptops
- The former prime minister has announced that one lakh laptops will be distributed with the help of foreign funds
- Nowadays in this world of the internet, everyone is taking different steps to improve their quality of life
- So why can’t we earn money by working through the Internet?
- Persons who are not aware of this scheme and have not yet applied
- They can apply by following these methods
Online Registration Process
Those who want to apply for the scheme can register themselves using the service portal. What is important for signing up is to update the account and make the profile good.
- First of all, visit the official website of PMYP
- After going there open the laptop scheme registration form
- There you need to enter your information
- Submit this form after entering all the information
- Click on the submit button and your application will be submitted
- A button has given to apply in this scheme

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The following is the necessary information
- Date of Birth
- Qualification information
- Home Address
- Register your phone number
Eligibility Criteria
- This scheme is not designed for everyone
- But only deserving students will given laptops.
- This scheme designed for Pakistanis only
- That means only Pakistani students can apply for it
- HSE holders are eligible for this scheme
- Those pursuing Ph.D. degrees can also apply
- Students who are doing M.Fail or graduate also included
Which Laptop has Given For The PM?
Students who enrolled in a HEC-recognized university with a percentage of marks above 60%. Laptops will given to these students Students will given different types of laptops including Higher Pavilion HP and various other companies.
The Prime Minister has decided to revive the laptop scheme and formally announced it now laptops will given to the students again and you can also apply for it online. Shahbaz Sharif has taken many steps for the students. Students can get a monthly stipend from this program. Can get money to support the family. One of which run as a laptop scheme to help students in education The aim of reviving this scheme is to promote the name of the young country of Pakistan, which is a major source of development for the country. Remember that these laptop schemes have given only to those students who meet the eligibility criteria.