8171 Verification
BISP New Survey: There is a new update of 8171 which says that you will start getting money from 27th November if you have received any SMS through 8171 then you will get your money soon If you have not received any SMS then you need not worry then you have to complete your survey.
Surveys are conduct on a daily basis in the Nearest Tehsil Office. Registration in Benazir Income Support Program is very easy with the help of Tehsil Office. You can register in this program by following the following method.
Earlier, a team was send by the administration to conduct household surveys to include poor households in this program, but now the government of Pakistan has established BISP offices in the tehsils, now to conduct surveys You have to visit your nearest tehsil office.
اگر آپ کو 8171 کے ذریعے کوئی ایس ایم ایس موصول ہوا ہے تو آپ کو جلد ہی آپ کے پیسے مل جائیں گے اگر آپ کو کوئی ایس ایم ایس موصول نہیں ہوا ہے تو آپ کو پریشان ہونے کی ضرورت نہیں ہے تو آپ کو اپنا سروے مکمل کرنا ہوگا۔ سروے روزانہ کی بنیاد پر قریبی تحصیل آفس میں کیے جاتے ہیں۔ بے نظیر انکم سپورٹ پروگرام میں رجسٹریشن تحصیل آفس کی مدد سے بہت آسان ہے۔ آپ مندرجہ ذیل طریقہ پر عمل کر کے اس پروگرام میں رجسٹر ہو سکتے ہیں۔ پہلے انتظامیہ کی طرف سے ایک ٹیم بھیجی گئی تھی تاکہ اس پروگرام میں غریب گھرانوں کو شامل کیا جا سکے لیکن اب حکومت پاکستان نے تحصیلوں میں بی آئی ایس پی کے دفاتر قائم کر دیے ہیں، سروے آپ کو اپنے قریبی تحصیل آفس جانا ہے۔
NSER Survey Online Registration Check
The purpose of the survey base is to transparently provide disbursement of financial assistance to poor households Basic data is collected to conduct the survey NSER survey initiative as a detailed systematic collection of bio-data for poor households. The survey was first introduced in 2010 when the team went door-to-door to collect bio-data of people and enroll them in the program.
But now you have to go to the tehsil office to get the survey done which is a good move if your NSER survey is not complete then you can’t get financial aid from any program it is necessary to complete the survey if If your survey is not done, re-verification has initiate by the government so that ineligible persons can register themselves and benefit from this program.
NSER Status Check By Tracking ID
If you want to check your NSER registration online, you can check your eligibility using the online portal. The following details are require to conduct the survey
- Your computerized CNIC
- Monthly Income Certificate
- After the survey is complete, the poverty score is look at
NSER Survey New Update
Under the BISP program, many deserve families who belong to completely poor families are not include in this program so the government has decide to register the eligible families through a new survey National Social and Economic Survey 2025 which is known as NSER Survey can be apply online.
NSER survey can be conduct through Tehsil Offices or NADRA Offices. Two ways to join this program are give in this article. The first method is the NSER survey, all the details of which are explain in this article, the second method is 8171 SMS.
Registration Check By CNIC
To check NSER survey registration you need to send a message to 8171 through the registered phone number.
- Send your National Identity Card to 8171
- Your information is send to the Tehsil Office
- In case of confirmation, you will receive an SMS
- If your data is available then you will receive this SMS (آپ مالی مدد حاصل کر سکتے ہیں)
8171 Online Check
If you are in this program and you have not receive any SMS yet then you need not worry because this time strict measures have take by the government and it was decide in a recent meet. went. Eligible families will re-verify so that no one is leave out of the program if you have not receive an SMS.
You Can Also Read: 8171 BISP Complaint Online Registration
If you have not receive any SMS from 8171, please refer to your nearest office from there complete your NSER survey then you will be register in this program after which you can get a monthly amount of this program every three months.
Ehsaas Program 8171
The Ehsaas program was introduce in 2019. The objective of start this program is to provide assistance to the lower classes so that they can meet their basic needs and support their families. financial aid is give every three months so if you are register in this program you can get an amount of 9 thousand.
If you are not register in this program then you don’t need to worry because the government has announce the registration of ineligible persons. Now you can go to Tehsil Office to register yourself in this program. There are many people in Tehsil Office to guide you.
This program is implement in several districts. This program gives you different cash amounts if you belong to a completely poor family. And if you are not able to afford your children’s education expenses then you need not worry because the government has announced another scheme under this program.
Known as Education Scholarships, this program provides scholarships to families and children So that they can complete their education and not burden their parents, only those families who are already receiving financial assistance from Ehsaas Program or Benazir Kafalat Program can benefit from this program.

Important Announcements About This Program
Those who have enrolled themselves in the BISP program and received an SMS about the amount then get the amount, a new update of the program has come out which states that the users whose tel. The number is register but they have stop receive SMS.
Because the Ehsaas program has sever all communication with the Telenor Company, no messages from the program will be send to Telenor subscribers. And if you have not received any SMS yet then you should visit your nearest tehsil office soon and update your information there.
Govt has take strict measures this time and it is also hear that people who didn’t receive SMS should do re-verification, otherwise, their money may be stop so do your re-verification so that you can avail this program. Continue to receive financial aid through
Scam Alert
All the messages of this program are send by 8171 except that no new code has introduce government. If you receive any SMS from any other number then you don’t need to give your information at all you can take action against them you can also go to your nearest tehsil office.
Apart from this, you can also contact the helpline so that you do not face any problems according to the new update of November. 50% of the people have sent SMS from 8171, those who have not received the SMS should go to the Tehsil Office.
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