Eligibility Criteria And New Registration
Eligibility Criteria And New Registration : BISP Savings Scheme is being launched under the Benazir Income Support Program. The aim of which is to provide financial assistance to those who join the Benazir Income Support Program and informal workers through a new process. Through this scheme, the helpless people will be encouraged. So that they can save a small amount. And then this money can be used for emergency situations, educational expenses or government investment in a small business.
If you are also one of those who join the Benazir Income Support Program. Or you work in an informal job. So you can take full advantage of it. In this article, you will be given complete information in this regard. You will be told all the details about how you can complete the registration process in this scheme. And how you can check your wife. Apart from this, all the information related to the scheme will be told to you in detail. If you also want to benefit from it. That is why you have to read this article carefully. So that you can be given all the information regarding the scheme.
اگر آپ بی آئی ایس پی سیونگ سکیم میں درج تمام اہلیت کے معیار پر اترتے ہیں۔ لہذا آپ اس اسکیم میں اپنی رجسٹریشن کا عمل آسانی سے مکمل کر سکتے ہیں۔ یہ پروگرام میرے لیے رجسٹر کرنا بہت آسان ہے۔ لہذا، آپ کی رجسٹریشن کا عمل خود مکمل کر سکتے ہیں۔ پاور سکیم میں رجسٹر کرنے کے لئے، پہلے اپنی ریاستی بینک کی برانچ پر وہاں موجود بینک کے نمائندگی کرنے والوں سے آئی ایس پی سینگ اکاؤنٹ کھولنے کو آپ کا اکاؤنٹ کھولنے کے بعد آپ کا اپنا کچھ اقدام ہے۔ اکاؤنٹ کھولنے کے بعد، آپ کو اپنے اکاؤنٹ میں 500 سے 100 روپے تک رقم جمع کرائیں اس کے بعد آپ اسکیم کے اہل ہو جائیں
Benefits of BISP Savings Scheme
The savings scheme is for daily wage workers such as those who join the Benazir Income Support Program and those who have other jobs. A web page has been launched by the Benazir Income Support Program to submit applications for this program. Through which eligible individuals can proceed with the process of receiving their application. And can regularly benefit from the program payments. Some of the benefits of the scheme under the Benazir Income Support Program are as follows.
- After opening an account in the savings scheme, register persons will be give 40 percent of the monthly amount.
- The duration of the savings scheme will be two years, if they withdraw from the scheme before the end of two years, they will be permanently disqualified from the program.
- And they will not be able to register again. Applicants will given savings between 500 and 1,000 from their dedicated savings.
- The original amount deposited for savings will not returned.
- Those who apply to join the scheme. No fee will charged from them.
- Registered persons can withdraw from the scheme at any time.
- As soon as the scheme period ends, their original amount will be return to the registered persons with an increase.
- Complete your registration process in the Benazir Income Support Program savings scheme, deposit money in your account and become eligible to earn profit.
Eligibility criteria for savings scheme
If you also want to join the savings scheme issued by the Benazir Income Support Program. Then it is important for you to know that you must first meet the eligibility criteria given in the program. Here you will be give complete information about the eligibility criteria. According to which you can estimate whether you are eligible for this program or not. The scheme issued by the Benazir Income Support Program will include only non-government employees such as daily wage workers, etc.
To participate in this program, the applicant’s poverty score should be between 40 percent. If someone’s poverty score is higher than the limit specified in the program. Then he will not be eligible for the program. To join this scheme, the applicant must first complete his NSER survey. So that his poverty can be accurately assess. And to know whether he can be eligible for the program or not. While taking your NSER Dynamic Survey, you must also enter all your information correctly to the BISP representative. If you provide any incorrect information, you will be disqualified from registering in the program.

Complete the registration process for the savings scheme
If you are trying to fulfill all the criteria of the scheme, then you can easily complete your registration process in this scheme. Because this program is very easy to register. So you can complete this registration process yourself. To register in the savings scheme, you first have to go to your nearest National Bank. There, you will have to open your account in the BISP savings scheme from the bank representative. The bank representative will open your account after taking some steps.
And after opening the account, you will have to deposit an amount of 500 to 1000 rupees in your bank account. After that, you will be eligible for the scheme. One of the conditions for registration in this scheme is to open a savings account. So when you go to open your account. Then you will ask the bank representative to open your savings account. Because if you open another account. So you will not be eligible for this scheme. While completing the registration process, you will have to operate your account according to all the conditions so that you do not face any kind of problem.
Under the Benazir Income Support Program, a new scheme has been create call BISP Savings Scheme. Through which the poor and working people of Pakistan will helped. If those who join the Benazir Income Support Program are eligible for this program. But those who cannot are eligible due to their poverty score in BISP. They can also benefit from this savings scheme. In this scheme, you have been give the details of all the registration and eligibility procedures. According to which you can complete your registration in the program. After registering in this scheme, you will have to deposit 500 to 1000 rupees in your bank account. After which you will be give 40 percent profit every month. The period of the savings scheme will be two years. After two years, you can withdraw your deposited amount