Mon. Mar 10th, 2025
بی ائی ایس پی کی طرف سے فراہم کردہ 81 71 ویب بٹل اہلیت اور ادائیگی کی رقم کوچک کرنے کا ایک اہم ذریعہ ہے.

Benazir Kafalat Program 

Benazir Kafalat Program: Benazir Kafalat Program beneficiaries who have completed their registration for 2025 a few days ago. After Completing the NSER survey, they should follow the important steps to know the status of their application and all the details of the amount and receive all their information. Women who are eligible for financial assistance in the Benazir Kafalat Program but for some reason are not getting help. They have completed their registration process again. But they do not know where to get the details of their assistance. In this article, you will be provided with a complete procedure to check the payment status and eligibility.

 By following which you can find out your payment status and whether you are eligible for this program or not. The aim of the Benazir Kafalat Program is to include as many poor people in the program as possible and provide them with financial assistance. But there are many people who are not able to register in the program. For this, the government will have to start awareness to include as many people in this program as possible. So that people are aware of this program and can complete their registration, the payment amount under the Kafalat program has been increase to 13,500. After 2025, 13,500 will be eligible to receive the payment. You can check your payment from home by following the procedure given in this article.

بی ائی ایس پی کی طرف سے فراہم کردہ 81 71 ویب بٹل اہلیت اور ادائیگی کی رقم کوچک کرنے کا ایک اہم ذریعہ ہے. اپ اپنی اہلیت اور ادائیگیوں کے مکمل حیثیت کے بارے میں تمام معلومات حاصل کر سکتے ہیں. لیکن اس پروگرام اس ان لائن پورٹل کو استعمال کرنے کے لیے اینڈرائڈ موبائل کے علاوہ انٹرنیٹ کا ہونا بھی بہت ضروری ہے .ان لائن ادائیگی کی صورتحال چیک کرنے کے لیے نیچے دیے گئے طریقہ کار پر عمل کریں. سب سے پہلے اپنی اہلیت ان لائن چیک کرنے کے لیے موبائل فون یا ٹیب کے ذریعے پورٹل پر چیک کریں ویب پورٹل میں ایڈریس کے بارے میں لکھیں

اور انٹر بٹن کو کلک کریں جیسے ہی اپ انٹر بٹن دبائیں گے اپ کے سامنے بی ائی ایس پی کا بنایا ہوا افیشل بٹن اوپن ہو جائے گا جہاں اپ اپنا سٹیٹس چیک کر سکتے ہیں پورٹل میں اپنا شناختی کارڈ نمبر درج کریں شناختی کارڈ نمبر بغیر ڈیش کے لکھنا ہوتا ہے اس کے بعد سکرین پر دکھایا گیا کپچا کوڈ درج کریں اخر میں سبمٹ بٹن پر کلک کریں جیسے ہی اپ جمع کرانے والے بٹن پر دبائیں گےاپ کی اہلیت اور آپ کی ادائیگی کی حیثیت سے متعلق تمام معلومات اپ کے سامنے   فراہم کی جائے گی

Check 8171 Web Portal

8171 Web Battle provided by BISP is an important tool to check eligibility and payment amount. You can get all the information about your eligibility and complete status of payments. But to use this online portal it is very important to have internet besides Android mobile. Follow the procedure given below to check online payment status.

  1. First of all, to check your eligibility online, check the portal through your mobile phone or tab
  2. Write about the address in the web portal and click the enter button
  3. As soon as you press the enter button, the official button created by BISP will open in front of you where you can check your status
  4. Enter your CNIC number in the portal. The CNIC number has to be write without dashes, then enter the captcha code shown on the screen
  5. Finally, click on the submit button. As soon as you press the submit button, all the information related to your eligibility and your payment status will be provided in front of you.

BISP Helpline to Check Online

If the online web portal has not been update and you are not getting your correct information there. You are not getting any response through SMS service either. So you can also find out about your status by calling the Benazir Income Support Program helpline. And for the process, the Benazir Income Support Program helpline number is 26477 – 0800. As soon as you call it, you can receive all your information from the BISP representative. To get the information, you must have the identity card number. Because the BISP representative will ask for your identity card number to check your eligibility and payment status. Apart from this, some other information will also found out about your eligibility. Even after taking all your information, the BISP representative will inform you about your status.

بی ائی ایس پی کی طرف سے فراہم کردہ 81 71 ویب بٹل اہلیت اور ادائیگی کی رقم کوچک کرنے کا ایک اہم ذریعہ ہے.

Important Of Online Producer

You can check your eligibility online in the Benazir Kafalat Program. The method of checking the eligibility online has been explain very easily. And it is very important. Some of the benefits and details of checking the eligibility online have been explain. If you use the online method to check your status. The biggest advantage of this is that you will not have to go to the BISP office again and again. You can get all your information sitting at home. Through this process, you can check your eligibility and your payment anytime and anywhere. By using the online method, you can save your time from standing in queues. Apart from checking the eligibility criteria online, you can also receive a lot of information. And you can solve and improve your problems.


Benazir Kafalat Program has provided financial assistance to meet the basic needs of poor and deserving women across Pakistan. This assistance is provided after three months. If you also want to register for Benazir Income Support Program, you have completed your registration process. And you want to know about your eligibility. Then this article has given you all the details. How can you find out about your eligibility online from home? Apart from this, all those people who want to register in the program and get assistance. They have to complete their registration process before January 30 so that they are eligible to get regular assistance under the program. For information, visit the official website of BISP. Or visit any nearby BISP Tehsil Office and get clarification regarding the program.

By Khan