Verification Of Ineligible Persons 2025
Verification of Ineligible Persons 2025: NADRA 8171 Ehsaas Program has started the verification process of 13500 ineligible people. After being ineligible in NADRA 8171 Ehsaas Program, they will be eligible for re-registration. The registration process in Ehsaas Program has started once again. It will be a matter of joy for millions of destitute people in Pakistan. In order to reduce poverty and provide financial assistance to the needy families of the society, the registration process has been start once again in this program. This program has been providing financial assistance to poor people for many years to deal with poverty. Over time, millions of people will register in this program.
There were many people who were declare ineligible in Ehsaas Program. The registration process has started again for them. So that they become eligible for the program and eligible for assistance. New methods have been issue regarding the registration process in 2025. In which these women are being give new opportunities to join the program. Those who were declare ineligible. The Ehsaas program aims to make women independent. They need to be give more financial support. Apart from this, the distribution of money in this program will ensured.
نادرہ 8171 احساس پروگرام کی طرف سے 13500 کے لیے نااہل ہونے والے افراد کی تصدیق کا عمل جاری ہو گیا ہے .احساس پروگرام میں رجسٹریشن کا عمل مکمل کرنے کے بعد اپ مالی امداد حاصل کر سکتے ہیں. اگر اپ نے ابھی تک اس پروگرام میں رجسٹر نہیں ہوئے ہیں. لیکن اپ پروگرام کی مدد حاصل کرنے کے لیے اہل ہیں. اس لیے اوپر دیے گئے تمام دستاویزات لے کر بے نظیر افس میں جانا ہوگا .تمام دستاویزات وہاں بے نظیر انکم سپورٹ پروگرام کے نمائندے کو درج کروانی ہوگی. اور ان سے رجسٹریشن فارم ملے گا.
رجسٹریشن فارم لینے کے بعد اسے صحیح طریقے سے حل کرنا ہے .تمام معلومات کو درست طریقے سے اس میں درج کریں فارم فل کرنے کے بعد اسے ایک بار غور سے پڑھنا چاہیے .اور پھر اسے بی ائی ایس پی کے نمائندے کے پاس جا کر جمع کروائیں. فارم جمع کرنے کے بعد اپ سے کچھ سوالات کرے گا. اپ کو درست جوابات دینے ہوں گے .کیونکہ اگر اپ غلط جواب دیں گے. تو اپ کو پروگرام میں نہ اہل ہونے کا سامنا کرنا پڑے گا .ان تمام عملوں کو مکمل کرنے کے بعد اپ کی تمام معلومات کی تصدیق ہو جائے گی. تصدیق کے بعد اپ اس پروگرام کے لیے اہل ہو جائیں گے .اور ہر تین ماہ بعد اب 13500 کی رقم حاصل کر سکتے ہیں.
8171 Ehsaas Program
8171 Ehsaas Program is one such program. This program was launch in 2019 through the Benazir Income Support Program to help poor people. The aim is to eliminate poverty. And to pay special attention to social welfare. Along with other programs of the Benazir Income Support Program, this program has also launched financial assistance, educational scholarships, health services, and good food projects. A positive approach to this program is that the application will issued to the applicants.
It will ensure that the money should only reach the poor and needy people. The focus has been on including most women in the Ehsaas Program. Because most families in Pakistan are take care of only by women. The aim of this program should be to improve the social and economic condition of women by providing financial assistance. And an attempt should made to improve them economically. Therefore, women who are in dire need of help. They can register in this program and get financial assistance.
Eligibility criteria
NADRA 8171 Ehsaas Program has started the process of verifying the ineligible persons for 13500. If you also belong to a poor family. And you need help the most. If you are not register in this program. Then you can complete the registration process. Before registering, it is important to know that you have to fulfill the eligibility requirements. After which you will be able to join this program. And after registration, you can receive an amount of 13500 every three months. The eligibility criteria for registration are as follows.

- The applicant must always be a resident of Punjab.
- The applicant in this program should not have any assets, land, business or vehicle of his own.
- The applicant should belong to a poor family. In which the poverty score should be less than 40 percent.
- To complete the registration process, the applicant should never have traveled to other countries.
- The applicant’s income should be less than 50 thousand. No member of your family is employ.
- You have not taken a loan from any of your banks.
- People who pay taxes will not be eligible for this program.
- You have never taken help from other schemes of the Government of Pakistan.
- You register for this program by following all these eligibility criteria.
Required documents
To complete the registration process in the Ehsaas program, it is very important for the applicant to have the necessary documents. Can registering, it is mandatory to get the NSER Dynamics Survey does. The details of some documents are as follows.
- The original identity card issued by NADRA and a mobile or SIM registered on this identity card should be there.
- You should have complete details of your poverty score.
- You must have the NSER Dynamics Survey Report.
- There should be details of electricity and gas bills. Proof of monthly income and household expenses.
- The applicant is a widow, her husband’s death certificate is mandatory.
- A woman is divorce, she should have a divorce certificate.
- You are disable, you must have a disability certificate.
- You should have your family registration certificate.
The verification process of ineligible women for 13500 in NADRA 8171 Ehsaas Program has been start. The latest update of Ehsaas Kafalat Program 2025 is that the registration process of ineligible women in this program is being start once again. All the women included in the program who were previously ineligible now start their NACR Dynamic Survey again. And complete the re-registration process to get financial assistance. And become eligible to receive January payments. You need emergency assistance. Try to meet the eligibility criteria.