Mon. Mar 10th, 2025
8171 Web Portal

8171 – Web Portal

The Ehsaas and the BISP program introduced 8171 Web Portal. The main purpose of this program is that you can get all your information and register yourself. It is a very easy way of this aid was stopped some time ago so now this portal has been introduced by the government of Pakistan. Through this portal, you can also get all your information about 

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You can also know, and at the same time, let us tell you that this aid is being given only to the poor and deserving people so that they can better themselves in the coming times and Benazir Income Program support. According to the sources, let us also tell you that some changes are taking place, so you don’t need to worry. You can also go to the BISP office, get all your information, and solve your problem.

احساس اور بی آئی ایس پی پروگرام نے 8171 ویب پورٹل متعارف کرایا۔ اس پروگرام کا بنیادی مقصد یہ ہے کہ آپ اپنی تمام معلومات حاصل کر کے خود کو رجسٹر کر سکتے ہیں۔ یہ بہت آسان طریقہ ہے اس امداد کو کچھ عرصہ قبل بند کر دیا گیا تھا اس لیے اب یہ پورٹل حکومت پاکستان نے متعارف کرایا ہے۔ اس پورٹل کے ذریعے آپ اپنی تمام معلومات بھی حاصل کر سکتے ہیں

آپ بھی جان سکتے ہیں اور ساتھ ہی آپ کو بتاتے چلیں کہ یہ امداد صرف غریب اور مستحق لوگوں کو دی جا رہی ہے تاکہ وہ آنے والے وقت میں خود کو بہتر بنا سکیں اور بے نظیر انکم پروگرام سپورٹ۔ ذرائع کے مطابق آپ کو یہ بھی بتاتے چلیں کہ کچھ تبدیلیاں ہو رہی ہیں، اس لیے آپ کو پریشان ہونے کی ضرورت نہیں۔ آپ بی آئی ایس پی آفس بھی جا سکتے ہیں، اپنی تمام معلومات حاصل کر سکتے ہیں، اور اپنا مسئلہ حل کر سکتے ہیں۔

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How To Check Eligibility Through 8171 Web Portal?

Follow the below-mentioned factors and improve your eligibility criteria

  • You must have CNIC
  • After that, it is also important to have your photo
  • And after entering the code, you will see a confirmation button, you have to click on it
  • And soon you will receive an SMS from 8171
  • If you are eligible then it is fine if you are not eligible then you don’t need to worry.
  • You can register yourself by going to the BISP program office

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8171 – Check Eligibility Through SMS

Follow the below-mentioned factors and improve your eligibility criteria

  • First of all, you have to send your CNIC to 8171. 
  • After sending, you will receive an SMS from 8171. 
  • If you are eligible for this program, you needn’t worry if you are not. 
  • Your poverty score should be less than 20. 
  • And you must give all the details about your family and your income

Check Application Status

  • First of all, you have to visit the official website of the BISP Ehsaas program. 
  • Now you have to click on Porter. You will give all your information. 
  • Along with all your information, you can also know when you will get aid, how you will get it, and where you will get it. 
  • This portal was started by the Government of Pakistan. 
  • You can register yourself by entering your CNIC through this portal. 
  • You don’t need to worry about the very easy registration process. 
  • It is designed to guide you

Required Documents

Follow the below-mentioned factors and improve your eligibility criteria

  • Your CNIC 
  • Your family certificate 
  • Your income certificate 
  • You must be Pakistani 
  • Your property details and 
  • if you have a bank account then also enter them

Eligibility Criteria 

Follow the given factors

  • Your monthly income should be less than 30 thousand. 
  • Your poverty score should be less than 20. 
  • You should not be in any property. 
  • And along with this, your passport should not have a visa

Final Words

The purpose of giving this aid is to eradicate poverty in Pakistan and to control the rising inflation. Very good steps are being taken by the government of Pakistan and we also tell you that the families or those who are eligible. Also, there is no il in the BISP program or no in the Ehsaas program; now, they don’t need to worry; the government of Pakistan has introduced a portal, and you can also register yourself through this portal. We can also give all our information, so you have been told all the information. Click on the link given below, and also let us tell you that through this portal, you can give all your information. 

As well as when you will get the aid, how, and where you will get it. We will also let you know that you can get all your information through this portal. This portal is for your guidance. It is made so that you don’t face any problems etc. If you face any problem, etc., despite this, then you go to the office of the BISP program or the office of the Ehsaas program. Go and tell all your information and get your problem solved. You can also register your complaints, etc., through the Up-it portal. You will not have to face any problems, so you can register your complaints without any fear.

By S Khan