Starts In Ehsaas program
Starts in Ehsaas program : The Ehsaas Program has been launched by the Government of Pakistan to help the poor and helpless people, especially those who have been affected by natural disasters like Coronavirus and Slab. This program is providing a special monthly financial assistance of Rs. 13500 for people affected by Slab. For this reason, the government has launched this program thinking about it.
If you are included in this program. Then you can benefit from the 8171 Ehsaas Program. If you have not registered yet. Then you will be called to the registration program soon. And the registration procedure will also be told. You can get your registration issued by following this method. Many people have benefited from the Ehsaas Program. And they are given every financial fund by the government. So that they can meet their basic needs and support their families.
احساس پروگرام میں رجسٹریشن کا طریقہ ہے کار بہت آسان ہے. اگر اپ ابھی تک احساس پروگرام میں رجسٹر نہیں ہوئے ہیں.. تو اپ کو پریشان ہونے کی ضرورت نہیں ہے ہم اپ کو یہاں پر آسان طریقہ بتائیں گے. جس پر عمل کر کے اپ اسانی سے احساس پروگرام میں شامل ہو سکتے ہیں. اپ کو درج ذیل اقدامات پر عمل کرنا ہوگا
.سب سے پہلے اپ کو اپنے قریبی بے نظیر انکم سپورٹ پروگرام کے دفتر میں جانا ہوگا. اپ کو اپنے ساتھ اپنا شناختی کارڈ ضرور لے کر جانا چاہیے .وہاں پر اپ کو اپنا ڈائنامک سروے کروانا ہوگا .ڈائنامک سروے کے دوران آپ سے آپ کی تمام تر معلومات لی جائے گی. جیسا کہ اپ کیا کماتے ہیں کہ اپ کے گھر کے اخراجات اپ کا گھر کیسا ہے. یہ تمام تر تفصیلات اپ سے لی جائیں گی. ان معلومات کی بنا پر احساس پروگرام میں اہل یا نااہل کیا جائے گا. رجسٹریشن کے بعد اپ کو اپنی اہلیت کے بارے میں جاننا ضروری ہے .جس کا طریقہ کار اپ اوپر بتایا گیا ہے.
Ehsaas Program Nadra Registration
Women who are not eligible for the Ehsaas program should register through 8171. You will be included in the Ehsaas program only after your registration is complete. If you have already registered. And now you want to check your eligibility after registration. Then you don’t need to worry. If you don’t know, the procedure will be told. We will issue you a complete procedure. Through which you can easily check your registration eligibility. If you want to register from NADRA office. Then you have to register your CNIC with NADRA. After registration, you have to enter your CNIC in this portal and send a message to the porter. After processing your eligibility, you can check your registration by sending a message to your CNIC number on 8171. You will be inform whether you are eligible or not.
Check Ehsaas Program through CNIC
If you are facing any difficulty in checking your eligibility in Ehsaas program. Then we will tell you an easy method to deal with your problems right now. Through which you can easily check your registration eligibility sitting at your home. You will not need to worry. We will tell you the complete method. Through which you can check your eligibility through your CNIC. You have to register your CNIC in Nadra. After registration, you will be give a portal. And you can easily check your eligibility with the help of the official web portal. You will have a code in your CNSC picture and you have to enter the code. After working, your eligibility will shown on your screen.

Registration procedure
8171 Ehsaas Program Want to register. So you have been take the procedure. If you want to complete your registration by following these steps. To complete the registration, you have to go through a few steps. Some of the steps are as follows.
- You should go to the Benazir Income Support Program office.
- You should have a National Identity Card made by Punjab.
- You will be ask what you do. And now your survey will done.
- You will also be ask about the entire family. Y
- our poverty score will also checked.
- After checking all these things, we will tell you whether you are eligible or not.
Required documents
- For registration, you will have to submit your identity card.
- Disability certificate if you are disable.
- Certificate of your monthly income. List of utility bills.
- You will have to take electricity bills and gas oil with you.
- If you are a widow, then you should also have your husband’s death certificate.
- Nadra FRC form.
Eligibility criteria
- Only poor and helpless people can join this program.
- To join, you must have proof of being a Pakistani.
- This includes families whose family members are more than six.
- This can include families who do not have a job.
- No one in your family should be a government employee.
- You should not have your own personal business.
- Land should not be more than two acres in your name.
- There should be no animals in your house.
- You should not work in any foreign country.
- You should not have a visa from any other country.
The aim of starting the 8171 Ehsaas program is to provide financial assistance to the poor and to end poverty in Pakistan. The Ehsaas program was create during the Coronavirus pandemic. The situation in Pakistan was very difficult during the Coronavirus pandemic. Due to which their livelihood also became very difficult. To benefit from the program, eligible individuals can register by visiting the Benazir Income Support Program office or through mobile registration. After registration, individuals can easily check their eligibility online using their CNIC number. The aim of this program is to eradicate poverty and help the neediest. It should be ensure with clear eligibility criteria that only close and helpless people can join.